Photo of Lawyer Kevin Marshall

If you need help with a sexual assault issue, you're probably feeling stressed, vulnerable and unsure about what to do. We take great care in understanding your work, health, social, spiritual and financial situation, so you can find the best way forward. We're with you every step, and we do everything in our power to get you the compensation and peace of mind you deserve.

- Kevin Marshall

Cases we help you with

Sexual assault and battery

If you're dealing with unwanted sexual assault, we know that your pain often feels overwhelming. You may feel helpless and afraid to go back to work or say anything for fear of losing your job or being shamed. We understand. We empathize with all your concerns as we fight to get you the compensation and peace of mind you deserve.

Termination following sexual harassment or assault

Have you been tolerating abuse and sexual harassment in the workplace out of fear of losing your income? Have things escalated to the point where you've been forced to leave, or even been terminated by your abuser? We'll look at your situation together and show you the best path forward to get the compensation and justice you deserve.

Sexual harassment

Are you feeling uncomfortable due to persistent sexual advances in the workplace? If this is a common occurence, you may be wondering if this qualifies as sexual harassment, and what you can do to stop it. We'll give you clarity about how to move forward legally in a way that preserves your dignity and career, while restoring peace of mind at work.